Registry - Council Members' Statement of Declaration of Conflict of Interest

Duty of Member

When present at meeting at which matter considered

5 (1) Where a member, either on his or her own behalf or while acting for, by, with or through another, has any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in any matter and is present at a meeting of the council or local board at which the matter is the subject of consideration, the member,

 (a) shall, prior to any consideration of the matter at the meeting, disclose the interest and the general nature thereof;

(b) shall not take part in the discussion of, or vote on any question in respect of the matter; and

(c) shall not attempt in any way whether before, during or after the meeting to influence the voting on any such question.  R.S.O. 1990, c. M.50, s. 5 (1).

 Where member to leave closed meeting

(2) Where the meeting referred to in subsection (1) is not open to the public, in addition to complying with the requirements of that subsection, the member shall forthwith leave the meeting or the part of the meeting during which the matter is under consideration.  R.S.O. 1990, c. M.50, s. 5 (2).

Written statement re disclosure

5.1 At a meeting at which a member discloses an interest under section 5, or as soon as possible afterwards, the member shall file a written statement of the interest and its general nature with the clerk of the municipality or the secretary of the committee or local board, as the case may be. 2017, c. 10, Sched. 3, s. 4.

 For an “indirect pecuniary interest” see Section 2 of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

 For a “deemed” direct or indirect pecuniary interest see Section 3 of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

 Declaration of Conflict of Interest Form


2018 - None

2019 - None


July 20, 2020 Councillor Beth Gorham-Matthews  Declaration


September 21, 2021 Mayor George Comrie Declaration


July 5, 2022 Councillor Beth Gorham-Matthews Declaration


March 7, 2023 Councillor Scott Nash Declaration

March 22, 2023 Councillor Scott Nash Declaration

March 30, 2023 Councillor Janice Bray Declaration

April 11, 2023 Councillor Scott Nash Declaration

May 1, 2023 Councillor Scott Nash Declaration

May 16, 2023 Councillor Scott Nash Declaration

August 1, 2023 Councillor Janice Bray Declaration

August 1, 2023 Mayor George Comrie Declaration

September 19, 2023 Councillor Scott Nash Declaration

December 12, 2023 Mayor George Comrie Declaration

December 12, 2023 Councillor Janice Bray Declaration


January 16, 2024 Councillor Janice Bray Declaration

February 20, 2024 Councillor Janice Bray Declaration

April 16, 2024 Mayor George Comrie Declaration

April 16, 2024 Councillor Janice Bray Declaration

May 21, 2024 Councillor Janice Bray Declaration

October 15, 2024 Councillor Brian Woods Declaration


January 23, 2025 Mayor George Comrie Declaration

January 23, 2025 Councillor Jance Bray Declaration